Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Computer in Tennis Shoes

Some say failure is a self evaluated aspect of critiquing oneself, but are we really aware of it until someone or something points out to us? Take for instance an exam in school. Though you take notes and listen in class, your success or failure is dictated by the score or grade you received on your examination. To understand and comprehend the material is a completely different concept from what these “tests” call upon you to present. These “tests” want you to be able to regurgitate the specific knowledge given at a moment’s time.

If we look at life, this regurgitation is not completely true. We summon up ALL the knowledge needed when we are in a situations that make this knowledge a necessity, not just for kicks or to see how “smart” we are. We take the knowledge given and creatively compose new knowledge in order to cope with or solve the situation at hand. Now, if we go even further within the subject of intelligent evaluation, we will discover something interesting. Being considered “smart” within the school system is not being intelligent so much, but in how well our memory bank is good at disposing stratified information given by institutions. The criterion for which the system measures their so called definition of “intelligence” is based upon how inanimate and systemically you can spew out information that has been given to you by them. These administered exams want to see if you can take in information and shoot it out during a specific time and place…like a computer.

A conventional computer does not think or create or imagine (we are referring to conventional computers without artificial intelligence software), but it simply displays the information demanded by a superior through the command of a question or key wording. This is not the development…this is not innovation. This is an abomination towards the true concept of the “American Dream,” am I right?

Does this display something about what our society has become? Are there other forms of this…de-evolutionary process of the younger generations or is this just a fluke or glitch within society’s programming? Is the why America students, according to social evaluation, are not as “intelligent” as their Eastern counterparts, or shall I say competitors, who work upon the system of having a goal set and allowing them to discover their person method in which they find the path to reaching that goal? Computers…they’re already one of the most regnant and widespread devices on the planet, so would it be too far of a stretch that modern American culture has idolized the power of the computer to sort of gain that same ability like a small sibling does an older brother…hmmm…quite the paradox, right?

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